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A self-taught artist from India, Geeta Yerra remembers her childhood as a happy memory. Her father was an Engineer and had a transferable job and so she studied in a few schools during the ten years of schooling. This made her adaptable to change, multi lingual and when possible she is happy to explore new places and cultures.

During her formative years the family lived in a place full of natural beauty surrounded by woods and waterfalls which had a deep impact on her personality. Geeta was good at drawing and enjoyed drawing as a child. But the family values never considered art as a profession and so she pursued her professional education for a regular job. With a master's degree in social work and a post-graduate diploma in HRD, she has worked for the lowest rung of society and multinational corporations and has acquired a lot of varied experience. Art was always her inner calling. 

She stayed in England for two years in 2011 – 2013 and during her stay in the beautiful Buckinghamshire she joined a local art club and realized she should take up art for an enriching life. With a nod from her loving husband, she left her HR career and turned into a full-time artist. Golfing and doing art were her way of life for several years and life was good with a supportive husband.

Geeta had participated in several group exhibitions in UK during 2011 – 2013. In 2011, in a local exhibition she received first prize for ‘First time Exhibitor’ for this watercolor still life!

Poinsettias I 9.4” x 13.4” I watercolor

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Geeta happily adapts and belongs to the place and culture where she lives and that is visible in her art. She has travelled to Europe and north America and keeps travelling to the USA almost every year, half of her family live in the USA.

Her travel experience is captured in her art with interesting narratives and through her paintings she tries to relive the experience.

She started out painting a range of objects from still life to landscapes to objects out of fantasy and imagination. Her paintings are realistic as well as conceptual. Her concept art is mostly in oil or acrylics and the realistic art is in watercolors.

Geeta Yerra is based in and operates out of Bhubaneswar, India. This is a snapshot of her studio in Bhubaneswar, India.


Ever since pandemic had hit in 2020, she suddenly realized a lot of concepts she wanted to do and hasn’t done. So, she devoted her time and attention to concepts and art that would add to art history. The solitude of the pandemic sometimes reminded her of her childhood memories, the times and experiences of people around her and her thoughts about life and its purpose. Also, it was the time she went through her divorce, which made her more focused on art because art is therapeutic and a great healer too.

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Her work is mainly about human psychology and how it depends on a person's experience, personal values, time, and space. Each of her artwork has a real-life story to narrate. Oil is her favorite medium to depict concepts and stories on huge canvas. She loves a lot of colors and textures and that is visible in her paintings. Her Indian upbringing has lots of influence on her choice of colors. Going forward she would paint her experiences and thoughts that have a need to be expressed. The viewers and collectors will have a slice of her life and times in her art and pause to reflect on the thought behind the artwork.


Had a solo exhibition in Bhubaneswar, India in 2017.

Had many group exhibitions with local art clubs in Buckinghamshire, UK during 2011 - 2013.

Her art is in private collection of collectors from the USA, UK and India.

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